Add Folowing code in .aspx page in asp:gridview paging templete
in back-side-aspx.vb page add following
Protected Sub Page_PreRenderComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreRenderComplete
Dim Paging As New GridViewPaging
End Sub
add following 2-class in project------------
Public Class GridViewPaging
Function GridViewPaging(ByVal GridViewId As GridView) As Boolean
Dim pagetoprow As GridViewRow = GridViewId.TopPagerRow
Dim pagerbotomrow As GridViewRow = GridViewId.BottomPagerRow
If Not (IsNothing(pagerbotomrow)) Then
If (GridViewId.PageIndex) = 0 Then
CType(GridViewId.BottomPagerRow.FindControl("lbPrevious"), LinkButton).Enabled = False
CType(GridViewId.BottomPagerRow.FindControl("lbPrevious"), LinkButton).CssClass = "DisableLink"
End If
If (GridViewId.PageIndex + 1) = GridViewId.PageCount Then
CType(GridViewId.BottomPagerRow.FindControl("lbNext"), LinkButton).Enabled = False
CType(GridViewId.BottomPagerRow.FindControl("lbNext"), LinkButton).CssClass = "DisableLink"
End If
End If
If Not (IsNothing(pagetoprow)) Then
If (GridViewId.PageIndex) = 0 Then
CType(GridViewId.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbPrevious"), LinkButton).Enabled = False
CType(GridViewId.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbPrevious"), LinkButton).CssClass = "DisableLink"
End If
If (GridViewId.PageIndex + 1) = GridViewId.PageCount Then
CType(GridViewId.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbNext"), LinkButton).Enabled = False
CType(GridViewId.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbNext"), LinkButton).CssClass = "DisableLink"
End If
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function GetPosition(ByVal gv As GridView) As String
Return "( " & (gv.PageIndex + 1).ToString & " of " & gv.PageCount & " )"
End Function
Public Shared Function GetPosition(ByVal fv As FormView) As String
Return "( " & (fv.PageIndex + 1).ToString & " of " & fv.PageCount & " )"
End Function
Public Shared Function GetPageIndex(ByVal idx As Integer) As Integer
Return idx + (CInt(HttpContext.Current.Request("Pg")) * 12)
End Function
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